What Are the Benefits of a National Disability Insurance Scheme?

Article 231

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, also commonly known as NDIS, is an Australia-wide scheme that provides extra financial support to eligible individuals living with a variety of physical and mental disabilities. This assistance is obtained through the individualised disability payment managed by an NDIS plan manager. The primary aim of the NDIS is to provide for long-term medical care and other necessities for the disabled. The scheme also aims to enhance self-sufficiency among the disabled and their families, thus ensuring that they can lead normal, prosperous lives. As per the latest statistics, around one in every 100 people in Australia are covered under the NDIS plan.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme offers several benefits and features to its members, including providing income support through a monthly disability payment and in-kind financial assistance, such as home care, personal assistance, and assistance with day-to-day activities. The applicant (the individual who has been approved to join the scheme) is required to undertake a comprehensive financial profile detailing their needs and abilities before being approved for the scheme. The details of these profiles are required because the NDIS assessors use them to determine eligibility for the financial incentives and benefits.

The main objectives of the National Disability Insurance Scheme include promoting employment opportunities for people with disabilities, as well as the retention of skilled and trained individuals through the provision of guaranteed access to workplace opportunities, equipment, and facilities. Also, it aims at reducing costs related to healthcare while enhancing productivity, quality of life, and social inclusion. The NDIS plan manager teams have developed several management options for the scheme’s benefit to achieve these goals. These management options include payment of benefits directly to the eligible recipients, use of medical coding and payment systems to derive benefit levels, creation of multiple-rate payment programs for long-term and short-term disability claims, creation of new opportunities for re-employment, and the establishment of a National Disability Insurance Training Centre.

Once a participant has enrolled on the scheme, they will receive several personalised benefits such as Income Support, Personal Access Financing, and Income Support Supplement and regular disability insurance premiums to help pay for these. However, an additional layer of support is provided to the scheme participant through a Disability Discrimination Act Management Option (DDO). This option enables an individual to apply for additional help from the NDIS plan manager if they feel that they have been discriminated against on their disability, as per the Australia Human Rights Act 1993. The DDO also provides the insured person with the opportunity to lodge a complaint with the Commission for Human Rights and make a complaint about any other breaches of the Act by a third party.

Apart from the above, the eligible participants also get access to financial support through the Medicare supplement. However, this financial support may not be provided when first joining the scheme. Eligibility for Medicare Supplement Medicare is determined by meeting the specific income and family requirements, as per the Medicare program, while the eligibility for State Medicare must be achieved by selecting a Medicare Advantage Plan.

The primary objective of the NDIS plan management system is to ensure that all the participants of the scheme are properly served. For instance, the program makes it easier for those who need assistance with finding a doctor to get one, while others can access Centrelink services or the Medicare Supplement without hassle. Furthermore, those living in remote or low-income areas would find it easier to access services through the local community health centre as per the National Disability Insurance Act.