Why Use Net Wrap Instead of Twine?

Twines and different types of wraps are common in silage of hay farms. These hay-wrapping options both have suitable advantages for farmers who want to make money through their hay produce. However, there could be a better choice among the two depending on your business processes.


Below are the key points that you should carefully consider for your hay and silage-making business. These factors will have a direct impact on your business and dealing with clients who trust the quality of your products.


  1. Durability Levels


Farming experts recommend netwrap as an excellent choice for medium-sized to large hay farms. This silage wrap is known for high levels of durability that does not easily break down even through long days or week in storage. Depending on the way you compress silage or preserved hay, the product can last for a long time and still be of the highest quality.


  1. Storage Capacities


Many farmers testify that a reliable netwrap covers more hay products compared to when you use baling twine. This is one of the main reasons why net wraps are the best choice for growing businesses that make hundreds of bales per week. Net wrapping is a favoured option for such farms that deliver bulk hay orders or create silage in multiple sets.


The best thing about net wraps is they can be stored outside. You no longer have to use your indoor storage room for bales. Use the indoor space instead of other products and items such as machinery or haying tools.


  1. Faster Baling


Farmers who’ve been using a net wrap for a long time testify that this option makes for faster baling processes. For example, one of bale wrapped with twine can be equivalent to two bundles when you use net wrapping. Depending on the efficiency of your farm’s processes, you can double the number of bales you can complete in a day.


  1. Airtight


For silaging businesses, a reliable net wrap will ensure airtight wrapping that will keep contaminants from ruining your preserved fodder. Wasted silage is a considerable loss if you think about it. Preserving forage takes months before a batch is ready for feeding, but if you use non-airtight wrappers in a stack of bales, the contaminated bundle can be the cause of the entire batch’s spoilage.



Haying or silage-making is a fun experience and a rewarding business at the same time. If you do things right from the start, you can see your small farm grow into one that your community respects and trusts. Get your net wrapping from reliable providers in the area!